New to the sales market is this neat and tidy...Read More→
Prime Inner City Living
Fresh to the sales market is this very well presented...Read More→
Sold $615,000
What A Location
New to the sales market is this beautifully presented single...Read More→
Sold $620,000
First Home Buyers Delight
New to the sales market is this beautifully presented first...Read More→
Sold $505,000
Stunning Apartment Living
New to the sales market is this beautifully presented first...Read More→
Sold $620,000
Stunning Multi Level Townhouse
Fresh to the sales market and a unique and rare...Read More→
Sold $860,000
Stunning Renovated Townhouse
New to the sales market is this beautifully presented single...Read More→
Sold $635,000
Stunning Renovated Townhouse
New to the sales market is this beautifully presented single...Read More→
Sold $820,000
Stunning Two Storey Townhouse
Fresh to the sales market is this beautifully presented two...Read More→
Sold $700,000